I love decorating and home makeovers. However, this can be an expensive passion! My next project is to revamp our guestroom and turn it into a functional office for Jake. Since he's started at Emory, he's been using our dining room table or leather chair in the living room to study. Seeing as he has two and a half more years of school...it seems like a good idea for him to have an area that he can dedicate to studying, etc.
Our guestroom now is a hodgepodge of "stuff" (and now, a Trek bike, lol) that just clutter up the room. My vision is to have a room that he can put his Georgia stuff in, without clashing with the current color scheme. Red and black don't quite go with the sage green bedding we have now soooo...it's time for a makeover...on a budget!
What we have:
queen bed/headboard (that needs to be spray painted black)
cherry wood nightstand (to be painted black OR donated to Goodwill *hmmmm*)
cherry dresser with TV on top (may go in master bedroom!!)
a whole lot of Georgia stuff...including his framed jersey and Mr. November calendar ; )
What we need:
black or white desk
new bedding (COMFORTER/PILLOWCASES-done...now I'm looking for B&W polka dot sheets...if anyone finds some, let me know!)
fun office supplies/decor
My finds SO far:
reversible comforter and shams from Walmart.com ($50) *see above : )
red alligator-ish textured pen holder from Homegoods ($3)
vinyl B&W dry erase calendar to stick on wall from Homegoods ($12)
I'll update with pics and "finds" as I come across them!
Wish me luck!
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