Enough said!
My brother, Andrew and his girlfriend, Erin are ENGAGED!!! They haven't set the date yet but it will be sometime in 2010. We couldn't be happier for them. They are both amazing people and together make and incredible couple!!!! Jake and I took them to Fado to celebrate last weekend. The new location is awesome and the food is delish!!!
*written 1.1.09*
So last night I started thinking about resolutions...
They are typically about ourselves:
lose weight
get out of debt
learn something new
quit smoking
What if this year our resolutions were not about us?
What if we sought to resolve issues that went beyond our personal goals?
2008 was rough on a lot of people....whether it was losing a job or foreclosing on a house...our country went through some heartache this year.
I have to believe that God is delivering these trials to teach us a lesson. He's not punishing us, he's simply showing us that there's more to life than the bigger and better. Americans have fallen into a mindset of "it's all about me" which has probably contributed to the position we're all in now. We, in general, have forgotten what its like to be happy with what we have. There is so much pressure put on us by society to WANT more...and more...and more.
This year, let's GIVE more..and more...and more....to our families, friends, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, strangers, the homeless, the less fortunate, the neighbors we've never met, the cause that breaks our heart but we say we don't have time for....simply, GIVE.
2009: I strongly feel that we have been given a fresh start with this new year....an opportunity to GIVE and not WANT. Maybe we'll see that with a change of resolutions, we'll come to find an even bigger change in our hearts.
I hope 2009 brings you peace, love and joy......and, I hope it brings our country together!
Lindsay Ann
**picture taken of a chapel in Maui**
Welcome to our blog!! Make yourself at home! Our blog is your blog, well, not really.... : ) Jake and I decided this would be a neat way to let our family and friends know whats new in the Hooten neighborhood! As for whats NEW...we are married!! We got married 11-22-08...it was the most incredible day!
We were so fortunate to be able to celebrate our marriage surrounded by our incredible family and friends! It was a VERY cold evening...but we couldn't have asked for a more perfect wedding! We went to Maui for our honeymoon. We're hoping we can go back...tomorrow. Somehow I don't think that's going to happen. We're free next week...how 'bout that?
**Check out our photographer at jkdallasphotography.com!